Opinion Mining Using Twitter Feeds for Political Analysis
Opinion mining/Sentiment Analysis, Natural language Toolkit(NLTK), Political Analysis.Abstract
Sentiment analysis deals with identifying and understanding opinions and sentiments expressed in a particular text. The masses give their opinion regarding various subjects on social media platforms using tweets, status updates and blogs. By analyzing this very data, we can gain better insight of the public opinion on any subject in specific. On performing sentiment analysis in a specific domain, it is possible to identify the effect of domain information in sentiment classification. Twitter sentiment analysis is difficult compared to general sentiment analysis due to the presence of slang words and misspellings. The maximum limit of characters allowed in Twitter is 140. In this paper, we try to analyze the twitter posts about government issues and political reforms. The proposed framework uses Twitter as the platform to analyze the emotions of the users using Sentiment Analysis. The system will use the opinions of the users, analyze the reaction and then map it to the appropriate region.
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