Focus on the Internet of Burkina: Measurement and Characterization


  • Frédéric T. Ouédraogo Université de Koudougou, BP 376 Koudougou Burkina Faso
  • Boureima Zerbo Université Ouaga 2, BP 7021,Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


Type Internet, Local topology, Clustering, Density, Dynamics.


Understanding the Internet topology and its modeling is important for many applications. In this paper we focus on a local area of the Internet topology at the scale of a country, to study its properties and characterize this local topology. We discuss our results compared to usual assumptions on the properties of Internet topology. Our study shows non trivial results. As a fractal, we find on a small scale of the Internet topology, some properties of the entire Internet like the power-law degree distribution and a weak density.


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How to Cite

T. Ouédraogo, F., & Zerbo, B. (2016). Focus on the Internet of Burkina: Measurement and Characterization. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 20(1), 210–216. Retrieved from


