Automatic Car Number Plate Extraction Using Connected Components and Geometrical Features Approach


  • Phyo Thet Khin
  • Lai Lai Win Kyi
  • Nang Aye Aye Htwe


connected component, license palate region extraction, regional geometric features, text detection, video clip .


As today information era of advanced and secure digital technology field, monitoring system and security mechanisms are played as the most important role. By using specialized security camera in public sectors and pedestrian crossings, it can monitor and record a real time events and information of the sectors as video clips to track criminals. According to get the important data clearly and correctly from the video clips, the detection and extraction methods are essential. The proposed system focuses on the detection and extraction of car number plate that are taken from over speed driving cars. So, these number plates are deblurred to overcome some of the security threat and enhance the motion deblurring technique. Our proposed method is the combination of connected component based approach with the regional geometrical features. In this method, key frames are generated from an input video clips using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) based approach. From the key frame images, rectangle shape areas which has high luminance value is detected and extracted as foreground regions and others are discarded as background by using regional geometric features. Finally, the rectangle shapes are checked whether any text is included or not. If a rectangle shape area contains text, this system accepts that it is a number plate and other region is omitted. Then the accuracy of the research method is evaluated with various experiments to compare with previous researches. This system can be widely used in 


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How to Cite

Khin, P. T., Kyi, L. L. W., & Htwe, N. A. A. (2015). Automatic Car Number Plate Extraction Using Connected Components and Geometrical Features Approach. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 19(1), 53–66. Retrieved from


