Examining the Advantages of Artificial Intelligence Alongside Its Potential Risks on Human Wellbeing, Data Privacy, and National Security
artificial intelligence, benefits of AI, AI risks on human well-being, AI risks on data privacy, AI risks on national security, semi-systematic meta-narrative reviewAbstract
This study seeks to comprehensively analyze the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence and discuss strategies and policies to balance them. The paper assesses AI's positive impact on four industries - healthcare, finance, transportation, and education – juxtaposed with its negative welfare, privacy, and security effects. The study utilizes a semi-systematic review methodology to explore diverse narratives surrounding AI's societal implications. Key findings suggest AI can improve decision-making, productivity, and quality of life but risks exacerbating bias, unemployment, and insecurity if not developed responsibly. The paper discusses practical strategies, policies, and regulatory interventions to help balance AI's pros and cons, including human-centered design, explainable AI, and governance frameworks. It also suggests actionable recommendations for individual, organizational, and national stakeholders. Suggestions for future research include developing robust AI resilient to attacks, increasing AI transparency and accountability, assessing long-term societal impacts, and addressing legal and ethical dilemmas. This timely study contributes a measured perspective to current debates on AI and provides a framework to help appropriate its advantages while mitigating its perils.
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