Marrying Digital Performance Appraisal with Tutors’ Work Output: Evidence from Colleges of Education in Ghana


  • Benjamin Baiden Department of Mathematics and ICT, P.O.Box 15, St. Joseph’s College of Education, Bechem, Ghana
  • Emmanuel Appiah Dankwah Department of Information and Communications Technology, P.O.Box 32, Akrokkeri College of Education, Akrokerri, Ghana


Digital Era, Teachers’ Appraisal, Communication, Colleges of Education, Performance Evaluation


In this Digital Era teachers are required to develop professionalism in accordance with the development of time, science and technology, and the needs of society. Professional teachers should be able to understand the components of applicable educational concepts so as to appreciate the foundation and education policy, the development level of learners and learning approaches in accordance with the learning needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of digital performance appraisal on teachers’ performance in Colleges of Education in Ghana. The study employed descriptive research design where simple random sample was used to choose 5 principals and 139 tutors from Colleges of Education in Ahafo and Bono regions of Ghana. Data for this study was collected using close-ended questionnaire. Data analysis was done with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 25). The study results indicated that teachers’ appraisal processes are phenomenal in determining the performance of the teacher. The appraiser and appraisee need to be in collaboration in order to ensure the process is successfully undertaken. Communication is very essential on how the teachers’ appraisal is conducted and perceived. Training has the greatest influence on the appraisal of teachers which also affects significantly the performance of the teachers. Recommendations for further studies were made to address the study results found.


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How to Cite

Baiden, B., & Emmanuel Appiah Dankwah. (2023). Marrying Digital Performance Appraisal with Tutors’ Work Output: Evidence from Colleges of Education in Ghana. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 48(1), 87–102. Retrieved from


