Business Intelligence and its Relationship with Sales’ Increase in a Farinaceous Company at Callao


  • Efrain Palomino Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Callao, Peru


Business Intelligence, Farinaceous


Nowadays, globally, the use of technological tools in business has driven a significant improvement in processes, reducing costs and increasing profits; one of those tools is business intelligence. However, its use of Peru is not so common, because it is associated with high implementation costs, in addition, its benefits are not yet clearly identified in Peruvian companies due to its poor implementation and the lack of research related to the subject. In this research, the benefits obtained after the implementation of business intelligence tools in a farinaceous industrial company in Callao were evaluated and be able to determine the relationship between the use of these tools and the increase in sales. The analysis consisted of the elaboration of a questionnaire to evaluate the perception of workers regarding the use of these tools; the results obtained were statistically analyzed, using the methodology proposed by Hernández. In addition, a comparison of sales amounts and quantities was made before and after the implementation of these tools. The results show that the workers of the organization perceive an improvement in their daily activities due to the support of business intelligence tools, also the amounts and quantities sold were increased, which is confirmed by the comparison of actual amounts and quantities analyzed. It was concluded that the use of business intelligence is positively related to the increase in sales, which is a similar benefit in research by international companies, demonstrating that in Peruvian companies these tools also help business growth.


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How to Cite

Palomino, E. (2022). Business Intelligence and its Relationship with Sales’ Increase in a Farinaceous Company at Callao. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 43(1), 36–47. Retrieved from


