International Journal of Computer (IJC): Announcements <p>The <a title="International Journal of Computer (IJC) home page" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>International Journal of Computer (IJC)</strong></a> is an open access International Journal for scientists and researchers to publish their scientific papers in Computer Science related fields. <a title="International Journal of Computer (IJC)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">IJC</a> plays its role as a refereed international journal to publish research results conducted by researchers.</p> <p>This journal accepts scientific papers for publication after passing the journal's double peer review process (within 4 weeks). For detailed information about the journal kindly check <a title="About the Journal" href="">About the Journal</a> page. </p> <p>All <a title="International Journal of Computer (IJC)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">IJC</a> published papers in Computer Science will be available for scientific readers for free; no fees are required to download published papers in this international journal.</p> <p> </p> en-US Wed, 01 Jan 2020 11:39:34 +0000 OJS 60 CALL FOR PAPERS - 2020 <p><strong>SUBMISSION IS OPEN FOR &nbsp;2020</strong>&nbsp;<a href="">CLICK HERE TO</a>&nbsp;SUBMIT&nbsp;YOUR MANUSCRIPT&nbsp;ONLINE</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Send your manuscript directly to&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p>Kindly visit:&nbsp;<a title="call for papers page" href=""></a></p> <p>&nbsp;The International Journal of Computer (IJC) is refereed journal within the&nbsp;Ulrich's&nbsp;Database, Ulrich's&nbsp;Database&nbsp;is an approved database by many universities around the world.</p> <p><strong>(ONLINE ISSN: 2307-4523, PRINT ISSN: 2307-4523)&nbsp;</strong></p> Wed, 01 Jan 2020 11:39:34 +0000 New Design and Improved Publishing System. <p>New design and improved publishing system is activated for the IJC journal to improve the services for our authors and readers as well as for the researchers community.&nbsp;</p> Wed, 07 Aug 2019 07:11:29 +0000 CALL FOR PAPERS - 2019 <h4><strong>SUBMISSION IS OPEN FOR &nbsp;2019</strong></h4> <h4 align="center"><a href="/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer/about/submissions">CLICK HERE TO</a>&nbsp;SUBMIT&nbsp;YOUR MANUSCRIPT&nbsp;ONLINE</h4> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">Send your manuscript directly to&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p>Kindly visit:&nbsp;<a title="call for papers page" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p>&nbsp;The International Journal of Computer (IJC) is refereed journal within the&nbsp;Ulrich's&nbsp;Database, Ulrich's&nbsp;Database&nbsp;is an approved database by many universities around the world.</p> <h4><strong>(ONLINE ISSN: 2307-4523, PRINT ISSN: 2307-4523)&nbsp;</strong></h4> Sun, 31 Mar 2019 17:54:08 +0000 CALL FOR PAPERS - 2018 <h4><strong>SUBMISSION IS OPEN FOR 2018</strong></h4><h4 align="center"><a href="/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">CLICK HERE TO</a> SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT ONLINE</h4><p> </p><p align="center">Send your manuscript directly to <a href=""></a></p><p>Kindly visit: <a href="/call-for-paper/international-journal-of-computer-call-for-papers.html"></a></p><p> The International Journal of Computer (IJC) is refereed journal within the Ulrich's Database, Ulrich's Database is an approved database by many universities around the world.</p><h4><strong>(ONLINE ISSN: 2307-4523, PRINT ISSN: 2307-4523) </strong></h4> Mon, 01 Jan 2018 12:21:18 +0000 CALL FOR PAPERS - 2017 <h2>CALL FOR PAPERS - 2017</h2><div><h3><strong>CALL FOR PAPERS - 2017 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER (IJC)</strong> </h3><h4><strong>SUBMISSION IS OPEN FOR 2017</strong></h4><h4 align="center"><a href="/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">CLICK HERE TO</a> SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT ONLINE</h4><p> </p><p align="center">Send your manuscript directly to <a href=""></a></p><p>Kindly visit: <a href="/call-for-paper/international-journal-of-computer-call-for-papers.html"></a></p><p> The International Journal of Computer (IJC) is refereed journal within the Ulrich's Database, Ulrich's Database is an approved database by many universities around the world.</p><h4><strong>(ONLINE ISSN: 2307-4523, PRINT ISSN: 2307-4523) </strong></h4></div> Mon, 26 Dec 2016 21:09:31 +0000 CALL FOR PAPERS - 2016 <h2>CALL FOR PAPERS - 2016</h2><div><h3><strong>CALL FOR PAPERS - 2016 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER (IJC)</strong> </h3><h4><strong>SUBMISSION IS OPEN FOR 2016</strong></h4><h4 align="center"><a href="/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">CLICK HERE TO</a> SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT ONLINE</h4><p> </p><p align="center">Send your manuscript directly to <a href=""></a></p><p>Kindly visit: <a href="/call-for-paper/international-journal-of-computer-call-for-papers.html"></a></p><p> The International Journal of Computer (IJC) is refereed journal within the Ulrich's Database, Ulrich's Database is an approved database by many universities around the world.</p><h4><strong>(ONLINE ISSN: 2307-4523, PRINT ISSN: 2307-4523) </strong></h4></div> Sat, 21 May 2016 19:28:54 +0000 CALL FOR PAPERS - AUGUST - 2015 <h3><strong>CALL FOR PAPERS (AUGUST - 2015) - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER (IJC)</strong> </h3><h4><strong>1- SUBMISSION IS OPEN FOR AUGUST 2015</strong></h4><h4>2-DATE OF PUBLICATION: AUGUST 31, 2015</h4><h4><span style="font-size: 1em;">3- </span><a style="font-size: 1em;" href="/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">CLICK HERE TO</a><span style="font-size: 1em;"> SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT ONLINE</span></h4><h4>or Send your manuscript directly to <a href=""></a></h4><p>4- Kindly visit: <a href="/call-for-paper/international-journal-of-computer-call-for-papers.html"></a></p><p>5- The International Journal of Computer (IJC) is refereed journal within the Ulrich's Database, Ulrich's Database is an approved database by many universities around the world.</p><h4><strong>6- (ONLINE ISSN: 2307-4523, PRINT ISSN: 2307-4523) </strong></h4><h5><strong>7- <a title="Impact Factor: 0.14" href="/pictures/Impact%20Factor.pdf" target="_new">IMPACT FACTOR: 0.14 </a></strong></h5><h5><strong>8- <a title="call for papers" href="/call-for-paper/call%20for%20papers.pdf" target="_blank">CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AUGUST CALL FOR PAPERS.</a></strong> </h5><div> </div> Sun, 02 Aug 2015 20:28:23 +0000 New Journal Site and Domain are implimented <p><span>We are pleased to announce the new IJC site and domain for authors. The International Journal of Computer (IJC) moved from the GSSRR domain to a new domain to improve the availability and speed in serving our authors.</span></p><p>The new site:</p><p><a href="/"></a></p> Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:09:46 +0000 call for papers 2015 <h2>call for papers 2015</h2><div id="content"><table id="announcementDescription" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><p>The International Journal of Computer (IJC) invites the Authors to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to:</p><p>Ad Hoc &amp; Sensor Network <br />Ad hoc networks for pervasive communications <br />Adaptive, autonomic and context-aware computing <br />Advanced Computing Architectures and New Programming Models <br />Agent-based middleware <br />Autonomic and self-managing middleware <br />B2B and B2C management <br />BioInformatics <br />Bio-Medicine <br />Biotechnology <br />Broadband and intelligent networks <br />Broadband wireless technologies <br />Cloud Computing and Applications <br />Collaborative applications <br />Communication architectures for pervasive computing <br />Communication systems <br />Computational intelligence <br />Computer and microprocessor-based control <br />Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems <br />Computer Business <br />Computer Vision <br />Computer-based information systems in health care <br />Computing Ethics <br />Context-awareness and middleware <br />Cross-layer design and Physical layer based issue <br />Cryptography <br />Data Base Management <br />Data Mining <br />Data Retrieval <br />Decision making <br />Digital Economy and Digital Divide <br />Digital signal processing theory <br />Distributed Sensor Networks <br />E-Business <br />E-Commerce <br />E-Government <br />Emerging signal processing areas <br />Enabling technologies for pervasive systems (e.g., wireless BAN, PAN) <br />Encryption <br />Energy-efficient and green pervasive computing <br />Event-based, publish/subscribe, and message-oriented middleware <br />Evolutionary computing and intelligent systems <br />Expert approaches <br />Fuzzy algorithms <br />Fuzzy logics <br />GPS and location-based applications <br />Green Computing <br />Grid Networking <br />Healthcare Management Information Technology <br />Human Computer Interaction (HCI) <br />Image analysis and processing <br />Image and multidimensional signal processing <br />Image and Multimedia applications <br />Industrial applications of neural networks <br />Information and data security <br />Information indexing and retrieval <br />Information Management <br />Information processing <br />Information systems and applications <br />Information Technology and their application <br />Instrumentation electronics <br />Intelligent Control System <br />Intelligent sensors and actuators <br />Internet applications and performances <br />Internet Services and Applications <br />Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Services &amp; Applications <br />Interworking architecture and interoperability</p><p>Knowledge based systems <br />Knowledge management <br />Location Based Services <br />Management information systems <br />Medical imaging <br />Micro/nano technology <br />Middleware Issues <br />Middleware services and agent technologies <br />Mobile and Wireless Networks <br />Mobile Computing and Applications <br />Mobile networks and services <br />Multimedia Communications <br />Multimodal sensing and context for pervasive applications <br />Multisensor fusion <br />Natural Language Processing <br />Network management and services <br />Network Modeling and Simulation <br />Network Performance; Protocols; Sensors <br />Networking theory and technologies <br />Neural Networks <br />Neuro-Fuzzy and applications <br />Open Models and Architectures <br />Open Source Tools <br />Operations research <br />Optical Networks <br />Pattern Recognition <br />Peer to Peer and Overlay Networks <br />Perception and semantic interpretation <br />Pervasive Computing <br />Performance optimization <br />Positioning and tracking technologies <br />Programming paradigms for pervasive systems <br />Quality of Service and Quality of Experience <br />Real-time computer control <br />Real-time information systems <br />Real-time multimedia signal processing <br />Reconfigurable, adaptable, and reflective middleware approaches <br />Remote Sensing <br />RFID and sensor network applications <br />Scalability of middleware <br />Security and risk management <br />Security middleware <br />Security, Privacy and Trust <br />Security Systems and Technolgies <br />Sensor array and multi-channel processing <br />Sensor fusion <br />Sensors and RFID in pervasive systems <br />Service oriented middleware <br />Signal Control System <br />Signal processing <br />Smart devices and intelligent environments <br />Smart home applications <br />Social Networks and Online Communities <br />Software Engineering <br />Software engineering techniques for middleware <br />Speech interface; Speech processing <br />Supply Chain Management <br />System security and security technologies <br />Technology in Education <br />Theoretical Computer Science <br />Transportation information <br />Trust, security and privacy issues in pervasive systems <br />Ubiquitous and pervasive applications <br />Ubiquitous Networks <br />User interfaces and interaction models <br />Virtual reality <br />Vision-based applications <br />Web Technologies <br />Wired/Wireless Sensor <br />Wireless technology</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div> Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:04:12 +0000 Call For Editorial Board Members <table class="announcements"><tbody><tr class="title"><td class="title"><h4>Call For Editorial Board Members</h4></td><td class="more"> </td></tr><tr class="description"><td class="description"><p>We are looking for qualified Editorial Board Members; if you have PhD degree with minimum 5 years teaching experience you can apply.<br />Download, fill and send form in soft copy.</p><p><br /><a href="/pictures/editorial%20board%20IJC%20application.doc">Download Form</a></p></td></tr></tbody></table> Fri, 28 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000